In Walsall and across the Black Country we are creating a shared cared record to help us deliver a seamless and joined up service.

This is a secure way of allowing a professional to access to the most up to date and relevant information so the person they are caring for receives the best possible care in the quickest possible time wherever they are. This means service users won’t have to keep repeating their medical history and professionals will have access to vital information such as current and past treatments, test results and allergies.

In order to achieve this all the organisations in the partnership have signed an agreement that clearly sets out the reason for sharing data and their role and responsibilities in ensuring they are meeting legal requirements to keep the information safe.

Work is now underway to upload the relevant information onto the new shared system that is is being used by healthcare professionals in all settings and next stage to extend to social care colleagues.

More information on One Health and Care Record is available here