Our vision of how health, care and well-being will look for the people and communities of Walsall
- Local people, patients and communities at the centre of service planning and decision making
- Better access to advice, education and support to help people manage their own health and well-being needs and prevent ill health
- More joined up care and support for physical, mental and social care needs with health and social care, housing, voluntary and community sectors working closely together
- More specialist community services providing care and support at home or as close to home as possible that is usually provided in hospital
- All health and well-being care and support services accessible through care navigation, via phone, online, app or face to face
- People will have more choice and control over the way their care is planned and delivered based on what matters most to them.
Making it happen:
People: We’ll invest in the development and skills of our workforce so they can provide the best possible care. We’ll work hard to be employers of choice to attract and retain the right people. We will provide opportunities for all local people through apprenticeship and entry level jobs and build progression routes within and across partner organisations.
Technology: We’ll use technology to help you access and manage your care, from online consultations with your GP to sharing your care records with the people who need them so you can get the right care in the right place at the right time. We’ll ensure digital inclusion,
supporting you to make the most of virtual services.
Money and Estates: Working even closer together will help deliver even better value for money. We’ll use our resources from across the partnership in the best possible way and ensure the best use of every pound spent.