Partners from across health, social care and the voluntary and community sector have been working together to identify ways Walsall can become a ‘Carer Friendly Borough.’

During the first session it was identified that following COVID-19, many services for unpaid carers had ceased and there were gaps in support across the partnership.  

Attendees went away with some short-term aims for each of their organisations and a task and finish group was set up to discuss the possibility of a multi-agency strategy.

A follow up session was facilitated by Walsall Together and it was great to see the progress that had been made to implement the aims. This included developing relationships between Early Help (Walsall Council) and Walsall Manor Hospital’s Patient Experience team, who now regularly work together to promote services within the hospital and hold a monthly pop up stand as well as the recruitment of a Carers Lead Support role within Walsall Council Adult Social Care to focus on creating a multi-agency strategy and ensure services for unpaid carers are rolled out across Walsall.

The task and finish group also reflected on the progression of the strategy, outlining five outcomes that have been developed that the partnership aims to accomplish for unpaid carers in Walsall:

  • Linked partnership working to make Walsall a ‘Carer Friendly Borough’.
  • Carers are valued and their acts of selflessness are recognised.
  • Carers are supported.
  • Carers have the freedom to live their own live outside of caring.
  • Carers understand their rights and are safeguarded in their role.

A further session has now been organised in January to determine where there is room for improvement across the partnership and how organisations can work together effectively in the long-term. Each organisation in the partnership will also be running their own workshops with unpaid carers to understand the citizen voice around our approach to supporting them.  This information will be collated and taken to the Clinical Professional Leadership Group to approve next steps.