whg has been praised for its work to tackle social injustice in a new report published by the Housing Ombudsman today.

The Ombudsman’s latest Spotlight report ‘Relationship of Equals’ highlights the Midlands’ landlord for its effective relationship and integrated partnership with health.

In a best practice case study contained within the report, the watchdog explains how whg had aligned itself with healthcare to tackle the widening gap in health equity.

The watchdog also applauds whg’s social prescribing service, which is providing practical and emotional support to people who are often over-reliant on health services for non-medical issues. “Of the residents who were supported, over 90% showed a positive change in mental wellbeing” the report says.

Fay Shanahan, Corporate Director of Operations and IT, said: “We welcome the Spotlight reports focus on how general needs housing does not mean ‘no needs’. Operating in one of the most deprived areas of the country, where people suffer poorer health outcomes and, in some cases, have a shorter healthy life expectancy than other areas in England, this is something we are all to aware of.

“Four years ago we made a commitment to “promote health and prosperity where we can make a difference.” As one part of the community jigsaw of partners, we knew we could not do this alone; In order to effect change, and tackle the social inequities of health, we had to work together at system level.

“Thanks to our partnership with health we are now providing a range of programmes which recognise the vulnerabilities of our customers and targets services where they are needed most in a way that meets changing and often complex needs. 

“We are really proud of our innovative and sector-leading approach and delighted to be highlighted in the latest report by the Housing Ombudsman.”


whg began working with health partners in 2019 when the Integrated Care Partnership Board, Walsall Together was established with the aim of tackling the widening gap in health equity. The partnership consists of Walsall Healthcare Trust, community organisations, Walsall Council and whg. Since then whg’s work with health has expanded and the landlord now has a range of health-funded programmes which are serving the needs of some of the most disadvantaged in society. 

The full Spotlight report can be read here.