The health and social care needs of the population are ever-changing and that’s why the organisations that plan and deliver those services are changing too.

We are seeing our population grow and people living longer. The demand on services is increasing due to long term conditions and more complex health needs and all this at a time when resources are limited.

On the 24th January 2017, NHS Walsall Clinical Commissioning Group (now known as NHS Black Country Integrated Care Board) launched ‘The Big Conversation’ public engagement exercise. This seven week exercise was about talking to local people about how we can improve healthcare for patients, the challenges the NHS is facing, and what we are planning to do about this.

The outcome of this was used to inform a business case and a new model of care which was put together in 2019 by clinicians, senior leaders, staff from across local health and social care commissioners and providers as well as representatives from the voluntary and community sector.

This business case set out the challenges being faced both nationally and across Walsall, why things need to change and outlined plans for developing new integrated ways of working in order to address the challenges and improve the future health and well-being outcomes for the population of Walsall.

You can read the full approve business case by clicking here.